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Ways We Can Help You Overcome Gymtimidation

By December 14, 2021Gym Insights
Ways We Can Help You Overcome Gymtimidation

What is Gymtimidation?

The term ‘gymtimidation’ is used to describe the feeling of intimidation, fear or dread when going to the gym. It can also be described as the intimidation of big, fit, beefy men that you often find in conventional gyms. 

The feeling can be so overwhelming that it can cause you to leave the gym early, stop going entirely, or not even sign up in the first place!

Gymtimidation is real – and it’s a problem. 

A survey conducted by Cosmopolitan Body UK found that twice as many women experience gymtimidation compared to men. The womens’ concerns included: 

  •     Appearing confused or unsure about how to use weights and other gym equipment
  •     Being watched by male gym-goers 
  •     Looking out of shape or not fit enough to join the gym

While we know that anxiety is a real issue for a lot of us, you shouldn’t let gymtimidation get the best of you! The gym is a great place for you to reach your health & fitness goals, and by giving in to gymtimidation it’ll mean that you’d be less likely to reach them. 

How can we help you overcome gymtimidation?

Safe space

Here at KOA Fitness, we’re an all-women’s gym, which means we’re an all-women’s team, with women-only members.

Here at KOA Fitness, we’re an all-women’s gym, which means we’re an all-women’s team, with women-only members. 

An all-women’s gym provides the ideal space for workouts, minus the worries and disturbance of the opposite sex. The gym is not seen as a dating venue, but a safe haven for workouts.

Malaysia is a melting pot of cultures and ethnicities. However, there are women that come from conservative backgrounds who consider it inappropriate to work out in front of men, as it is against their religious beliefs.

All-women’s gyms are usually smaller and more intimate. You can enjoy the added privacy, while being comfortable in your own skin. You won’t have to worry about your attire or the way you look, just be yourself.

Programming for women by women

As we are a team of all female coaches working in an all-women’s gym, there’s one thing that’s certain – we understand women.

As we are a team of all female coaches working in an all-women’s gym, there’s one thing that’s certain – we understand women

Your relationship with your coach is very (for the lack of a better word) – personal. Aside from speaking to your coach about your fitness goals, there could be certain topics you’d be more comfortable discussing with someone of the same gender. Period cramps, bloating, hormones; we understand your pain points. We can relate

Having a female coach that you relate to makes things easier. This would not only increase your comfort level, but also increase the chances of you getting the most from your workout. 

In reality, a female coach will not second guess herself about the programming she is giving you as she’d most likely apply the same methods and practices as part of her own fitness routine. 

We listen to you 

We know and have heard very much about personal trainers who like to ‘torture’ their clients. 

Some may push you hard from the get-go, during your first session to see how much you can handle. While others do this because they think that’s what every client wants. The problem with this is that one, this may only deter you from continuing those sessions or worse, it can lead to injuries. 

Here at KOA, we believe an effective workout is one that takes into consideration your likes & dislikes, your injuries & imbalances. We plan things with you and incorporate it into your programming!

A personal training relationship is a collaboration. Your trainer should set up workouts and change them according to you what you need and how you feel.

Here at KOA, we believe an effective workout is one that takes into consideration your likes & dislikes, your injuries & imbalances. We plan things with you and incorporate it into your programming!

Unconditional support

Here at KOA, our coaches will be there every step of the way to help you reach your goals. This includes providing nutritional advice, emotional support, and teaching you the right ways to use weights & equipment

We’ve only got one life, and we truly believe that you should enjoy it and live life to the fullest!

Our coaches will also teach you the best ways for sustainable health – no fad diets, no short cuts; just healthy habits that you can apply to your daily life.

Here at KOA, our coaches will be there every step of the way to help you reach your goals. This includes providing nutritional advice, emotional support, and teaching you the right ways to use weights & equipment. 

You will also have constant support from our coaches. Our coaches are just a message away, so if you need a little nudge or motivation, all you’ll have to do is reach out. Our coaches will be able to provide you with that extra sense of accountability, which could be just what you need to stick to those fitness goals.  

We understand that starting a fitness journey can be very intimidating and overwhelming, especially with gymtimidation coming in to play. But worry not, our Coaches will be there to provide you assistance & guidance, and to remove any additional worries you may be having. 

A sit down with a personal trainer can be an eye opener, as their job is to make you comfortable while guiding you towards your goals.

Our coaches will work with you to put together a customized programme, one that includes the right exercise regardless of your fitness level. They know everything that goes into a complete programme: cardio, weight training & flexibility training

Not sure where to start?
Contact us today for Personal Training sessions in Kuala Lumpur, and get a FREE consultation!


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